Day 3 build:

Our last day... 'a walk in the park'.

With only three houses left to reach our goal, the 'heat was off', figuratively if not literally, and I personally felt like I had a little more time to enjoy the process, and reflect on how rewarding the entire experience has been.

Janne always says during orientation; 'It's not about you." It is about the people we are helping. As they have been an active part of the process, sometimes for years, they do indeed 'deserve their house'.

And what a home... what we in North America would consider a good sized garden shed, will become home to an entire family... always a very sobering thought.

The very genuine and heart-felt gratitude of the families is truly touching, and we always feel honored to have been able to be a part of the process that culminates in the housebuilding.

I think it is important for us to also remember that most families have saved for years to be able contribute the $30 that is their share of the expense of their new house.

In our culture, where we really have everything, it, for me, is always a great leveler, and I feel that much more grateful for what we so often take for granted.

Thank you all for your continued support...
you also helped turn these houses into "homes".

Bob Carver and Wendy Cunning

And a special thanks to our Teams...
the 2009 Rockin4Tabitha Housebuilding Team...
Nathan Weiss
Dr. Paula Piilonen
Derek Boyd

and our co-team Ritskes/Brennan
Jeff and Mary Ritskes
Drs. Terry and Brenda Brennan
Rebecca and Lauren Brennan
Terry Brennan Sr. aka Number 1
CW Young


Special Announcement;

There will be a special event this June at the Canadian Museum of Nature in Ottawa - 'A Night at the Museum'. Please stay tuned to our blog for future details. Tabitha founder Janne Ritskes will be attending.

And don't forget...
Rockin4Tabitha4 ...
this September 2009

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